What does Roar stand for?

Roar is being...
Respectful Organized Appropriate Responsible
What is the purpose of ROAR?
The Roar program allows students to learn behavior expectations for all areas of the school. It rewards students who demonstrate appropriate behavior expectations.
It builds school pride, and helps make ACES a better place to learn.
Roar Builds....
Character ...

Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship
Our Roar Pledge
I am Somebody
The me I see, is the me I’ll be
I can be…
I can Succeed!!!

Roar Expectations
Roar has established expectations for every area of our school.
Students are rewarded when appropriate expectations are observed.

What are paws?
Paws are school currency.
Paws should be kept at school, inside the paw pouch.
Each student should earn 3-5 paws a day.
Paws are earned when any teacher or staff member sees a student demonstrating an expectations.

How do students keep up with their paws?
Each students is given a pouch to keep his/her paws in.
During the first week of school, students sign his/her pledge card.
Students then begin collecting paws from teachers and staff members.

What do students do with all those paws?
Students staple paws into sets 10 to be spent at our Paw Store.
Each grade level has a designated shopping day.
On your child's day, he/she may visit the paw store to purchase items of his/her choice.
Items range in price from 10-1000 paws.
* This year students will be placing an Amazon style order.
But wait there's more..
If your child has 2 or less office referrals during a nine weeks, you get to attend the roar event! a roar event is typically a huge party in our gym.

Contact Us
Please feel free to contact the Co-chairs of the
Roar program with any questions.
Grace Weyant & Mary Harrison